Toys Your Kids Will Actually Play With [TODDLER EDITION]

A few weeks ago on Instagram I asked if anyone would be interested in me putting together a list of toys that Lincoln [17m] ACTUALLY loves and plays with on a daily basis and I received an overwhelming response and 99% of y’all were super interested… so here it is! XO

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Car
Lincoln’s grandma won the best-Christmas-gift-giver last year because he’s obsessed w/ this car. He’s just under 18m and has finally figured out how to move forward in the car. Prior to this he just pushed it around 100km an hour + climbed in and out 10 thousand times a day [ok.. which he still does but he can also sit in the car and move forward and backwards now LOL] The cozy coupe is such a classic toy and I knew Lincoln HAD to have one and I’m happy AF that over the years they’ve came out with a monochrome version b/c something tells me the red + yellow classic colours wouldn’t fit in our home 😉

Janod DIY WorkBench
This DIY WorkBench from QHouseKids is one of Lincoln’s newest toys! At first he was like maaaam, what’s this? Why did you buy me dis? but fast forward two weeks and he loves it. I have no idea why the “age range” is 3-8years because Linc already looks like a giant next to it but wtvr. The 3 tools are magnetic which is super cute! I was able to put the work bench together in less than 10 minutes which left time to sit on the couch and drink a hot cup of coffee before Lincoln woke up from his nap so YAAAS!

Janod Forest Ride-On
This wooden ride-on toy is the BEST. It’s so stinkin’ cute, amazing quality and takes 2 seconds to put together. At first Lincoln had no idea how to go forward he could only push himself backwards but friends practice makes perfect and now Linc can fly around the house on his forest ride-on. I find most ride-on toys are plastic, tacky AF and have buttons that play annoying music which is probs why I love this one so much because it’s the complete opposite!

Melissa and Doug Let’s Play House Dust! Sweet! Mop! 
This my friends was the BEST $40 I ever spent. Ever. I bought this Melissa and Doug’s cleaning set for Lincoln’s first birthday [despite so many people telling me it was 3+ and he wouldn’t like it] but he freaken loves it. He doesn’t really care for the duster or dust pan/mini brush but he’s OBSESSED with the mop + large broom. Most parents bring a small toy in the car to play with, nope, not me. I bring the broom and he’s happy AF LOL! The entire set is extremely sturdy and well constructed. 10/10 XO

Jupiduu Slide
By far the most expensive “toy” Lincoln owns but it’s such a goodie. This slide retails for almost $299 USD but I honestly believe it’s worth every penny. It’s great quality, easy to put together and extremely heavy [which means Linc can’t push it around like all his other toys lol] I reaaaaaally want to get the Jupiduu See-Saw as well 🙂

Another classic toy except they haven’t jumped on the monochrome train HA! He’s constantly throwing them out of his toy bin + the second I start singing the clean up song [thx Barney] he throws them back in the bin haha.

VTech Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train
Alright so listen, Kyle bought this toy for Lincoln when he was probably 6m old and I was MAD [keep reading] b/c prior to him going to Wal-Mart we just had the talk about wanting to keep his toys very minimal and less is more, ya’know? Fast forward 20 minutes and he shows up with the alphabet train and I was like RLY? Take it back… UNTIL he opened it and Lincoln lit up like a damn Christmas tree and I’m like K NVM we’re keeping it LOL.

BabyLu+Company Monochrome Ball Pit
This is Lincoln’s newest toy so I’d be lying if I said it was one of those toys that he’s played with for months because truth is.. we just got it BUT what I can tell you that in the short amount of time we’ve had it Lincoln is obsessed. No seriously you guys.. obsessed. I have never seen a kid so happy to sit in a pile of balls before LOL. When I was pregnant with Lincoln I spent hours on Pinterest looking up nursery + play room ideas [yep, I was that mom] and I constantly came across monochrome ball pits but shipping was outrageous because they were always from half way around the world so… you have no idea how excited I was when I came across BabyLu+Company. These ball pits are Canadian made and the owner is incredibly sweet. She offers free shipping on all Canadian orders, whaaaat! 🙂 Click here to check out the website XO

I’d love to know which toys your kids actually play with and which ones you’ve purchased that are currently collecting dust [like the Little Tykes Basketball Hoop that I just HAD to buy for Lincoln and he’s played with twice] soo leave me a comment below XO

4 thoughts on “Toys Your Kids Will Actually Play With [TODDLER EDITION]”

    • Oh girl… I’ve been thinking about buying Linc a trampoline for months and you’ve just convinced me LOL

  • Beatbo!

    All my friends kids had it and they loved it. Liv liked it when she was really little but after about a month, got sick of it and hasnt touched it since haha

    Wooden blocks and stacking cups/rings are her fav atm

    • My neighbour has Beatbo and Linc thought it was cool but I think he would hate it after 2 hours lol. Wooden blocks will always be a huge hit! XO

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