Top 5 MUST-HAVE (Can’t Fckn Live W/O) Baby Items

When you find out you’re pregnant of course you have a million + one things running through your mind. Am I going to be a good mom? Boy or girl? Holy sh!t what if it’s twins? What style nursery should I do? and… what the heck do I need for this human I’m going to be bringing into the world (which btw.. OUCH)

I’ve put together a list in no particular order of my MUST HAVE (can’t fckn live without) baby items you’ll need when your little one arrives.

From day one Lincoln has been a pretty good sleeper and 100% believe the Dockatot is to thank for this. Sure…. we have the odd bad night because well.. life isn’t perfect but I have noticed the Dockatot makes a huge difference. The Dockatot is made in Europe and comes in two different sizes. The deluxe 0-8m which can be purchased on Amazon in Canada and the US and here on the Dockatot website. The grande 9-36m which can be purchased on Amazon in Canada and in the US and here on the Dockatot website. Lincoln outgrew the deluxe a little before 8m however he’s a giant so I’m sure 99% of babies would be able to use it for the full 8m if not longer. Not only do we use the Dockatot for co-sleeping, Lincoln often lounges in it during the day and when he was little we used it for tummy time. If you have been following me on Instagram for a while now you’d know that my brother had a double lung transplant when Lincoln was only 3 weeks old. Long story short, Lincoln and I spent lots of nights in Toronto and the Dockatot was easy to transport and gave Lincoln a safe place to sleep.

Lollipop Smart Baby Video Monitor
In 7m I have went through two video monitors. The first one was the Summer Infant Video Monitor and the second one (which we are currently using) is the Lollipop Baby Video Monitor. You can read the full review on the Lollipop Cam here but I’ll quickly say it’s 10x better than the Summer Infant and a 100% must have. You can purchase it here in Canada and in the US.

Diaper Pail
The Ubbi diaper pail is AH-MAY-ZING. It looks great, keeps the sh!t smell to a minimum and doesn’t require special bags like the diaper gene. It’s on the “expensive” side as far as diaper pails go but heck it keeps Lincoln’s nursery from smelling like a pile of poop so honestly it’s worth every penny. You can purchase the Ubbi pail here in Canada and here in the US. Ubbi also makes an awesome monochrome wipe dispenser and diaper caddy. The wipe dispenser looks 100% sitting on the changing table and can be purchased here in Canada and here in the US. I use the Kirkland wipes from Costco and it holds all by five wipes. The diaper caddy (which also includes a foldable changing pad) is perfect for two story homes because unless you’re some kinda freak of nature you are NOT walking yo ass up and down the stairs every time your kid needs a diaper change because spoiler alert if you haven’t had your baby yet… they pee and poop A LOT. The caddy holds on average 8 diapers and has a small drawer that can hold butt cream, cotton balls, money (LOL JK WHO HAS MONEY ON MAT LEAVE), nail clippers, etc. You can purchase the little slice of heaven here in Canada and here in the US.

I purchased the 4Moms Mamaroo used but you can purchase it here in Canada and here in the US. This swing was used daily in the Van Gaalen household for months. Lincoln used it to nap for the first 4 months of his life because unlike most babies he wouldn’t fall asleep in my arms. The mamaroo has 5 unique motions and a few built in sounds. Just a heads up though the built in sounds suck and the mobile doesn’t move which makes it pretty useless.

Changing Pad
Still to this day one of my favourite purchases for Lincoln’s nursery was the Keekaroo Peanut Changer which can be purchased here in Canada and here in the US. Recently I was sent the Hatch Baby Grow changing pad which you can read my full review on here. Both changing pads are 100% and you really can’t go wrong with either one. As long as you don’t purchase a changing pad with a material cover you’re good to go.

I know what you’re thinking… stroller? baby carrier? high chair? etc. I will be doing another must have baby edition but I wanted to keep this post short and sweet cause well… ok I didn’t have time to make it any longer. I’ve got a kid to keep alive LOL.

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