Beaba BABYCOOK – WIN $250.00

 American friends with babies or baby bellies, want to win $250 by taking a simple trip to Target?! I will be announcing in this post how you can do just that! Keep reading to find out more information.

As a mom we want to do everything humanly possible to protect our children, right? Whether it’s screening who comes into your home to make sure they aren’t ill, installing baby gates so that your kid doesn’t fall down the stairs, or making your own baby food because you’ve heard of all the recalls attached to store bought baby food.

Beaba recently reached out to me to see if I would be interested in testing out their BABYCOOK pro. My son is only 2 1/2 months young so he’s exclusively BF right now (all day, errr day) but that didn’t stop me from testing (and loving) this product. Knowing that Lincoln wouldn’t be the test victim, I decided to make something that I would personally enjoy, which happened to be apples. There was no way in hell I was making squash or peas, thanks but no thanks.

The BABYCOOK steam cooks, blends and re-heats up to 4.7 cups of fruit, vegetables or meat in 15 minutes or less. The appliance has only one button (press to start cooking, or twist to the right to blend) which makes it extremely easy to use. My biggest (and only) complaint with this machine was the colour. I received the BABYCOOK Latte Mint which is brown with mint detailing. Unfortunately it does not match my kitchen which is white and grey. You can see photos of my kitchen on my instagram page. If you’re anything like me and not a fan of brown, you can purchase the BABYCOOK in neon (white with lime green detailing), cloud (grey), navy blue or the limited edition rose gold. You can purchase the BABYCOOK here in Canada and here in the US.

I was going to do step-by-step instructions on how to use the BABYCOOK but honestly.. it’s very straight forward. Decide which fruit, vegetable or meat you’d like to cook, figure out how much water you need to steam the food (this information can be found in the instruction manual), pour the water into the reservoir, cut everything into 1/2″ pieces, place into the steam basket, press the large circular button to turn on and wait 15 minutes. In this time you can grab a coffee, change a diaper or wash the dishes piled up in your sink from dinner the night before and wait for the audible alert to tell you when the meal is ready. Once the food is finished steaming, you simply remove the steam basket and pour the food into the blender. You can leave the water that remains at the bottom if you want. It all depends on the consistency you are looking to achieve. Next just turn the circular button clockwise watch it blend and voila you’re finished and can now call yourself #ChefMomma.

Alright, so all you American’s wondering how to win a $250 gift card to Target? It’s super simple, like making your own baby food. All you have to do is head to your local Target with your adorable babe or baby belly, grab a cart because we all know you can’t leave Target empty handed and you need to keep your hands free (keep reading to find out why), scope out every isle until you find the BABYCOOK and take a selfie in front of the appliance. Make sure you look cute because you’ve got to post it on Instagram with the hashtag #BabycookTarget. A new winner will be chosen weekly. Good luck 🙂

Leave me a comment if you have any questions regarding the BABYCOOK or if you just want to say hi, I’m cool with that as well.


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